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2003-06-12 :: 7:42 p.m.

Fine! I guess I will write this entry in Word for now until I can add it to my diary. I have been waiting for eons to add, but the server is too busy. GARRHHH! Sorry, I do love diaryland, but I am just frustrated at the moment. It feels like the appropriate place to throw the tensions from the day. Haha. Actually, today wasn�t all that bad, but I still feel slightly tense and over agitated. I guess that is just my nature sometimes. Anyways...

I forgot to mention yesterday all the fun-filled movies I have seen lately. I find it pretty rousing, actually, because I tend to find so little time to see movies�good ones, at that. My family lucked out when we rented About Schmidt. I quite enjoyed the film and Jack Nicholson was wonderful. Kathy Bates was also very funny and I think she is a very, very brave woman for doing the nude scene. My parents and I almost peed ourselves watching her jump into the hot tub naked while Jack Nicholson�s character had a look of sheer terror on his face. She must be comfortable with herself and I think that is admirable (either that or she was paid a lot of money). I bet Nicholson was paid a fair amount for the nude bum flashing as well. hehe.

Another movie I have seen recently is The English Patient. I thought it was quite well done. I finished the book just before watching and I can say that it isn�t all that bad of an interpretation. Some movies just don�t work, but this one did. The thing that bothered me the most was that Kip and Hana�s relationship wasn't the main focus like it was in the novel. I thought the movie focused more on Katharine and the English Patient�s relationship. Still, it was enjoyable. I would recommend both the book and the movie to anyone. You have to read the book a couple times to get it, though, unless you have a wonderful explanation filled teacher like me. My Literature teacher made the book make a lot more sense than when I read it by myself. I think it is partially due to overcoming the narrative structure because it is quite jumpy.

The last movie I have seen recently is Captain Corelli�s Mandolin. I saw it last year when I was originally doing the book for OAC English. Since I failed and had to repeat the course (damn you e.d.), I decided to just use the same book this semester since I never did end up writing my ISP essay last time. I have to say I enjoyed the movie more the second time for some reason. I think it partially had to do with the fact that I had not read all of the book before watching it. Last time I read the book and then saw the movie and was extremely disappointed. The movie in itself is okay, but when comparing it to the book, it is lame. So I would suggest watching the movie first and then reading the book. Both are good, but must be done separately. The one thing that drove me berserk about the movie was Nicholas Cage�s crappy Italian accent. It was so cheesy and obviously fake! I guess that is what happens when you take American actors and put them in films set in other countries. I think it really should have been Greek & Italian actors. Ah well, I guess. Still worth a watch, but get it out of the cheap rental section. I wouldn�t recommend buying it or anything... Hopefully this time I will get the stinkin� ISP done. I have until 2 hours before my exam to hand it in. I write on Wednesday, June 18th, 2003 @ 9:15 AM, so I should get it done. He will not be at the school at 7:15 AM, so I guess I am handing it in on Tuesday. haha.

I really don�t have anything intelligent to say at this point, so I will end this now. I may go write some poetry soon, though. That seems to be the place where I really pour out the emotions these days. This poor old diary is getting more mundane by the second. Ah well, I guess.

Today�s Affirmation: I can accept whatever I am feeling today. Without resistance my feelings pass and I am open to experience whatever is next.
Today�s Quote: �Be to her virtues very kind. Be to her faults a little blind.� -Matthew Prior



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25