Liz and Sarah's Big Adventure
2003-04-26 :: 11:47 a.m.

Good morning! Ah, I love the weekend very much so. Tis a shame that it is looking mighty gloomy outside, though. I guess I will survive. I guess the fact that I'm going to see Veronica, Laura, and hopefully Liz makes it better. :) I'm hoping it will be good. I like John Travolta so that should help.

Guess what?? I won a coffee last night from Timmy's! I was quite surprised since the silly contest is just about over. It still disconcerts me how many coffees I did wind up buying during the course of just under two months from the place. Oh well, I guess. I don't have reason to buy coffee from there now, so I will cut back quite a bit. It will still be nice to get one now and then, but now I don't have to feel like I need to buy, buy, buy in case I just so might happen to win the car (yeah bleeping right!).

Yesterday my friend Liz and I drove into Ottawa to visit Mountain Equipment Co-op so I could get a beautiful Nalgene water bottle. Liz got a blue one for her sister. I think they have to be one of the best things ever made and it's going to save me a hell of a lot of money in the long run. Now I don't have to buy a new one from the convenience store every couple of weeks because I either lost my original one, beat it to death, or decided it was way, way too scuzzy to continue drinking out of. You are supposed to change bought cheap plastic ones all the time because of the germs they carry and the fact that you cannot wash them since toxins will leech out of the plastic into your water. With this new water bottle I just have to wash it, use it, and go. Not to mention the fact that it is practically kill proof. I don't think I will be able to destroy this puppy very easily and if I do, I know there is no hope for me and water bottles. The good thing is, I think they replace them if they break because they are guaranteed. That is quite comforting. :)

Driving around in Ottawa was quite interesting. haha. I think the two of us fended quite well in that massive beast of a van. That thing is wider than a bus and pummels along the road with an air of superiority. I think it's hilarious to see little Liz behind the wheel of that thing. At one point she almost smacked a sign and car on the right side, but other than that we were okay. It's hard, I am sure, to maneuver such mammoth-like brute about. I think she managed quite well. I was the map connoisseur while she did the turning. I think we worked quite well as a team. I would have been shitting bricks if I was by myself driving around. I think I am better at telling people what to do rather than being the one having orders shouted at. Like Liz said, we have to learn how to navigate in a big city and get around eventually, right? All I can say, is thank god I knew how to get home since I have driven around aimlessly myself a few times.

We ended up going to "Whispers" for a Mediterranean Wrap which was awesome. We felt like cheap-asses since we shared a meal, but two teens on low funds in a big city is not a good combo. We just did our best to fend for ourselves in the dog eat dog world we graced our presence with. It was a nice finish to Liz and Sarah's Big Adventure.

I bought Liz her birthday present early when we were in "Mrs. Tiggy Winkle's." I think he is the coolest thing ever. He says many nice things like "You look thin! Did you lose weight?," "It's not your fault, it's mine," and "Can I take you shoe shopping?" He comes with a 64 page user manual and is 7" tall. The perfect man, if you ask me. Liz said she is going to bring him to prom. hehe. I think that is so cool. She also said she will get me a blow up man to bring along with all the fixings. Kinda sad in a way, but I think it's funny.

Yesterday had to be some of the most fun I have had in a dogs age. Liz is cool to hang out with and it was nice to get out of our little town for a while. I like living here, but I like Ottawa too. :)

Yesterday morning I got some good news when I received my report card! :) I am actually quite proud of myself for the first time in ages. I am getting 75 in English Literature class and 85 in English class. That brings me to an 80 average. Woo hoo! I am finally making some good progress in school and it's about time. It was nice too because my parents acknowledged the fact that I was improving and doing better. That made me feel special. Aw. :) Now I just have to get that silly Sons and Lovers reading journal done this weekend and I will be all set.

Yesterday had one extremely interesting episode. I was sitting in the cafeteria at lunch waiting for Liz to be ready to go to the bank and then to Ottawa when Karyn was doing some planning for the prom limo they are going to have. She was making a list of names and she said that Veronica could burn in hell and there was no way she was coming with. I then said "What did you say? What did you say?" in an extremely bitchy, condescending, snooty voice. She said it again in a quieter voice and then I got up and said: "I'm not going in your limo, bitch" and walked away. Then 2 seconds later I met up with my friend Christine in the hall and we got to talking. Now I am going to prom with Chrissy, Christine, Veronica, Ryan (Veronica's boyfriend), Jess, and a couple other people. I have no tolerance for Karyn anymore. I refuse to put up with her shit.

She hates Veronica for some reason which no one understands and seems to think that she can avoid her for the rest of her life. I guess it came down to me thinking that I like Veronica and not Karyn so fuck her. It feels like I am in Grade 7 again on the school yard bickering with my friends over who said what to whom that morning. It is sheer and utter ridiculousness! GRR! Ah, I just needed to get that off my chest. I guess I am just learning who my true friends are. It will be nice when Karyn leaves for university after the summer and I never have to see her again.

Better end this now since I got crap to do.



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25