SARS & Easter blabber
2003-04-18 :: 11:33 a.m.

Yesterday in English class we were given papers of warning about SARS. I must say that I am utterly paranoid at the idea of getting it. I will not wear a mask and everything walking around my little town, but I am worrying about it. It reminds me much too much of the movie �Outbreak� that I saw quite some time ago. I always knew something like that could happen, but when you get this close, it is not good. The last thing we need is a total world wipe out. Or is it? Is this nature�s way of saying, �Hey, earth people, you�re overpopulated, so we need to clean the slate and start anew�? Maybe that is what it is. I guess time will tell...

Below is the content of the sheet we received.


April 16, 2003 � The __________ Hospital today announced that it will continue to screen everyone entering the hospital in an effort to prevent any spread of SARS (Sever Acute Respiratory Symptom) AS DIRECTED BY THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG TERM CARE.

Should you be experiencing any combination of the symptoms listed below, and need to use the Emergency department, they ask that you put on a surgical mask as soon as you enter the hospital. These masks are available in the lobby of the hospital and will assist in limiting exposure to an infectious illness.

o Difficulty breathing
o Fever above 38�C
o Dry, unproductive cough

The screening process�interviewing each and every individual entering the hospital has significantly slowed down admittance to the hospital. Any individuals requiring emergency assistance are reminded to quickly identify themselves as needing urgent care, and will be given priority for admittance to the hospital.

The hospital is providing full services to the community we serve. The hospital remains a zero category hospital�it has not experienced any SARS cases.

The staff and physicians at the hospital wish to thank our community for their support and patience�they are very much appreciated.


All I can say is I am very nervous about it and I hope it gets sorted out soon.

Ah Easter long weekend. Oh what a joy it is. I am extremely glad that it has finally arrived because I was getting ever so tired of full weeks of school. hehe. No complaints on a four day weekend, anyways. I should use this weekend for homework and what not, but probably as per usual, I will not. I need some down time. Well, I guess I do not really need down time, but I am going to pretend like I do anyways.

I have a family dinner tonight with my Adam, my Mom, step Dad Mike, Nana & Papa M., Sue & Sean, and my brother Mark. It is going to be a full house tonight. It is not the busiest dinner we�ve hosted, but it is pretty close. Our dining room is fairly small, so it makes for a interesting squish around the table. Picture people stuffing themselves into telephone booths (you know the contests?). Well, I guess it�s not exactly like that, but somewhat feels like it, anyways.

Then on Sunday night I have another dinner at my Grandma G.�s house. No clue as to who will be there, but I know it is a ham night, so I am going to have to take an alternative. Maybe there will be leftover turkey from tonight or something, hehe. I do not mind going to Grandma G.�s, but I always feel so awkward and out of place there. I guess it is partially since they are step grandparents and we don�t visit them endlessly. It�s not the end of the world, though, since they are nice people.

Alrighty then, enough for now, I guess.

P.S. Look who has a new prompt journal!



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

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+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25