Craving the heat
2003-03-31 :: 7:47 p.m.

I love it when it is 6:30 PM at night at the sun is still out. That is yet another sign of the coming summer. I am not sure as to why I am craving the heat so much, but I just felt so repressed all winter. Confined by the snow in a way, I guess.

I have some fond memories of summer and some not. I like the fond ones better, obviously, but I think it is good to reflect back on the not so pleasant ones to remember past mistakes and things that have happened.

One past summer memory that somewhat burns me to think about is my family's Summer 2002 East Coast Road Trip. I have never wanted to be in a car with my family for that long since. Sure the trip had it nice moments, but I always felt a tension which was rather un-enjoyable.

I loved the East Coast, though, especially The Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick. I would love to spend a whole summer there. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I would like to attend university around there perhaps. It is just so beautiful.

I guess the fact that I got to see the East of Canada was good about that trip, but heck did it ever suck at some parts. Oh well, I guess. I survived.

But, back to the original topic at hand, the heat. I am craving the heat with a passion. I cannot wait to be out with the sun beating down on my back and birds chirping on the telephone wire. It is going to be sweet. I just hope this warm season leads to many wonderful memories. I think it probably will, but ya never know. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I am really rambling right now and I am not sure as to why. I guess I just really wanted to write something in here. I just want to blab on and on about nothing for pages and pages. I guess that is what happens when you neglect your diary for quite some time. haha. I did have my reasons, though. They just don't matter anymore.

I am considering making a new layout, but I think I like this one too much. I would like to try tables, though. Hmmm...

I guess in all reality I really shouldn't be worrying about this stuff right now. I have to finish my Lit Pride and Prejudice Reading Journal. Yes, that is very important.

Anyways, tootles for now!



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25