Ass shaking hang over
2003-02-15 :: 10:24 a.m.

My beautiful racoon eyes and lightly outlined lips stare back at me from the hand held mirror. God I look like shit. Hair a mess, and bags under the eyes. The number �19� burning the skin on my left hand in orange permanent marker. They placed the number there so I could find my coat after the dance... Didn�t seem to make a difference, I still spent 20 minutes just trying to find the damn thing afterwards. I�m gulping down water like there is no tomorrow. I hate feeling dehydrated. I feel like this every morning. It�s like the essence has been sucked right out of my body.

And the sad thing is that I didn�t consume any alcohol to look and feel like this. Usually I only feel hung over after endless evil liquid chugging, but today I am hung over from boogieing the night away. I was dragged to the dance tired as hell, and left even more exhausted.

I actually pulled my ass at the dance. Can you believe I pulled my ass? All I did all night long was shake my ass. Shake it to the left, shake it to the right, and then shake it back and forth. I knew I would pay for all that ass shaking but I persisted all night long. I shook it to the slow songs, I shook it to the fast songs, I shook it out in the lobby, I shook it while I gulped down a bottle of water, I shook it in the bathroom, I shook it in the parking lot, and I shook it in the car. I did more than my fair share of shaking last night. My butt is all shook out. Oh, lordy! I also did my fair share of air humping. Now that is what I call fun filled entertainment! Not only did I entertain myself, I entertained my friends who enjoyed laughing at my expense.

I have to say that the dance wasn�t what I had hoped it would be. There were very few people I knew there and the music wasn�t the greatest. Yes I like hip-hop, but not when every song played is hip-hop. I enjoy a mixture. I wish there had been a better DJ. I guess it�s not the end of the world. I did pay $8 for a mildly entertaining evening, though. I will survive. Would have been nice to win the door prizes, ah well.

Finished off the night by coming home, consuming vast quantities of manufactured magically delicious cheesies, and passing out. A few gallons of coffee should pull me out of this ass shaken, cheesie filled, hung over state. Mmm...liquid satisfaction!



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25