Bleep! Bleep! FREAKY!
2003-04-12 :: 4:41 p.m.

I'm having one of those bizarre days when just about everything seems particularly erratic. I do not know how to explain it, but let's just say it started by me waking up at 11:15 AM. Usually I am up at 6:00 AM, so you can see why it seemed somewhat outlandish for me. I did not go to bed till 1:00 AM, but normally my body will still wake me up at 6 AM despite the fact of lack of sleep.

I was having the most freakish dreams all night. I remember waking up in the middle of the night from a dream, at 9:00 AM from a creepy dream, then falling back asleep to another creepy dream. I can honestly say that I do not remember the dreams at all, but I know they were disturbing.

My friend, Laura, was the one who woke me up this morning (if you can even really call it that) by calling me. Usually it is the other way around and she is the one getting up at noon or later. AH! Strange, indeed!

Dreaming is an abnormal thing for me. I am sure that I do have dreams, but I never wake up remembering the dreams. Usually I wake up blank, but when I was up at 9:00 AM I knew I had been dreaming. Before I would never have known that I had been dreaming. I do not know if that really makes sense, but it is what has always happened. Being conscious of the fact that I dream has been happening for the past week and it is completely freaking me out. Maybe I need to cut back on the caffeine or something...??

I got to go for my second bike ride of the year yesterday, which was awesome! I have not experienced anything so glorious in quite some time. I ended up going at 6:30 AM and I must say it was extremely beautiful to see the sun rising, hear the birds chirping, and see many people (for that early in the morning, anyways) out with their dogs or just enjoying the morning air. It was a little chilly, but I did not mind because the sun was beating down on my back while rising and the wind was in my face (it did freeze my neck a little, but it did not matter).

I also got to go for my first blade yesterday after school, which was wonderful as well. It felt so good to get moving with those wheels again. I must admit that I am not even half as coordinated as I was last year, but I think time will help with that. I actually fell once and I have a beautiful purple and blue bruise below my knee to show for it. *sigh* It's so much fun to be a spaz. hehe.

Well I must end this now since it is going nowhere fast. Later, diary!



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

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