Stuffed full of words
2003-04-03 :: 4:36 p.m.

Words. Words. Words. Words.

I have been reading and reading and reading and reading lately.

My mind it hurts from all the books. Don't get me wrong, I love novels, but this is complete and utter insanity! I have never read so much in my life.

I am starting to feel overwhelmed from all the books I have on the go. It's like the words are taking over and invading my cells. They are everywhere in me right now.

I can feel them coming out my nose when I sneeze, seeping through my pores as I breathe, running out my ass, and molding with my sweat.

I did not know what I was in for when I signed up for two OAC English classes in one semester. I think this may have been a mistake. On the good side, though, I am hoping to pursue English in university because of these classes. I have great teachers.

I just wish that my world didn't revolve around all these words right now. I am starting to get characters mixed up and actual story-lines blending. It is neat when I think about it, but it doesn't look good on a test when I get the wrong names and plot. Ah well for now I guess.

Maybe after midterms things will cool down a bit. That would be nice.



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25