a prozac a day will keep your blues away
2003-01-27 :: 8:19 p.m.

i gave in and signed up for a couple rings. i am such a twat. oh well i guess, they are ones that pertain well to me. against what e.d.'s do to people and an artist. probably should join a writing ring or something too. maybe some other time. i do not want to be someone who joins a kajillion rings, it just is not my cup of tea (although i have nothing against people who join a kajillion rings, that is your choice, not mine).

yeah, so i'm signed up and all ready to go with 10 mg prozac daily. not much, thank god, so there shouldn't be any rash side effects. i am a little worried since it could cause severe drowsiness and nausea. guess we'll see how goes for now, though.

doctor's appointment was quite interesting, actually. i wish i had been a little more attune though, because i missed a fair amount of the good points/theories he chucked my way.

one of the most important, that i did get, was that i have been working at recovering for a little under a year now and no matter how hard i try, i am unable to find happiness. so to find happiness, i must seek a new direction.

i believe the analogy he used was that i am trying to get to the other side of the fence without having the option of climbing over it. before i would just turn around and come back, but now i must find another path. the one i suggested was get a hack-saw but he hinted going around it. i like the more destructive personally, but that really does not matter.

what i am going to do now is try another way with my recovery. all i have ever wanted was to be insouciant. i must keep trying other methods until i find the way.

we also talked about how since i expend all of my energy on keeping my calorie intake at under 2100 and exercising in somewhat freakish amounts, i do not have the time to put into things i love. i am much too drained from worrying about if i burned enough calories to stay a stable weight or not. although i am eating well, i am still carefully watching my intake and weight (the latter is surprisingly less of an irritation for me). until i am ready to let go of this extra baggage, things will not get much better. sure i have days when i am extremely happy but then i have my lows as well.

too much thinking. my heads hurts. must get some sleep.

p.s. i wrote my name on my english exam and nothing else. i have never felt like more of a nincompoop than i did today.



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25