Yet another survey
2003-07-02 :: 6:18 p.m.

And yet another survey. I must thank my buddy andthoughts for this one. ;-) Thanks, hon!

1. What's your favorite cheese? I'm actually not a big cheese fan at all. I occasionally will have some Kraft Light Monterey Jack, though, on salad. Unfortunately it is hard to come by in the grocery store and my brother inhales it before I can say: "Go," so I don't really get much of a chance to get my grubbies on it.

2. How long do you hold onto odd socks before giving up on finding their mate? Usually a month or so. I leave them in the drawer with the others and if the match never turns up, I pitch it. Usually it needs to be pitched anyways because of over-wearage.

3. Who was your favorite musical artist when you were 15? I believe that was Janet Jackson and TLC.

4. What shape are your fingernails in right now? They are actually long for me right now because I haven't been working out as much and therefore not been chipping them lifting weights. They are a cool metallic shade of blue that I had for prom, as well.

5. Two scoops: of what? Raisins, baby, lots of raisins.

6. What's your earliest memory? I think that would definitely have to be when my parents split up. I was about 4 years old at the time and I recollect them fighting in the kitchen and the next thing I knew, Dad was taking the dining room furniture and leaving. That is one incident that is burned into my mind distinctly because it felt so traumatizing at the time.

7. When does your pet look funniest? *sniff* I don't have any pets. My step father is allergic, so they are not permitted in this household.

8. What do you collect? Vinyl records (preferably from the '80s), Art supplies (I guess that is more hording than anything...), and memories.

9. What's better than sex? I'm a virgin, but chocolate is pretty damn good. I may never get to the sex part because I will too involved with the chocolate.

10. What things are you brand-loyal to? Tampax tampons because frankly they are just the best, and Yves veggie meats.

11. Favorite Dr. Seuss book? Definitely Green Eggs and Ham.

12. Best meal you've had lately? Really yummy bruschetta.

13. Peanut Butter and ________? Banana! (I eat it almost every day for breakfast)

14. Who's your favorite poet? I quite like John Donne; his obscure imagery is amazing.

15. Where are you going on vacation this year? Nowhere because there is not enough time or money for it. I would love to go to the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick, though.

16. If you could change careers tomorrow with no strings attached, what would you be? A writer (bestseller would be nice too).

17. Whaddya drive? Ford Taurus '97 station wagon (it's the family vehicle).

18. What's your poison? Woody's Grapefruit coolers.

19. The color of the carpet or the kind of floor in the room you are sitting in right now. It's wood, but it's stained with paint and the like from my various art projects.

20. What's on your walls? Lots and lots of pictures. I have pictures of my favourite bands and actors, maps of Africa and information on Africa, and lots of Winnie The Pooh pictures that were coloured in by the kids at the daycare I volunteered at last summer.



1984. female. sometimes happy. sometimes sad. sometimes mad. always tired. no clue what she is doing with her life. currently working to save money. hates herself.

older entries
+ Ciao on 2004-07-28
+ Do you want quantity or quality, man? on 2004-04-27
+ New Name...? You like? on 2004-04-27
+ Mental m�lange on 2004-04-25
+ I Need A Hug on 2004-04-25